Editor's note: Decision Makers is a global platform for decision makers to share their insights on events shaping today's world. Marco Scolaris is the president of the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC). The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.编者按:“决策者”是一个全球平台,供决策者分享他们对当今世界重大事件的见解。本文作者是国际攀岩联合会主席马尔科·斯科拉里斯。文章仅代表作者观点,而非本台观点。I have learnt a lot as a long-time climber and president of the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC). One thing that proved to be important is that goal setting can be a superpower.作为一位资深攀岩爱好者和国际攀岩联合会主席,我深知设定目标的重要性,可以说,这简直是一种“超能力”。This applies to both sport and life.这一点,无论是在体育领域还是日常生活中都适用。When I co-founded the IFSC back in 2007, I asked anyone who would listen whether they were in agreement with the objective of seeing sport climbing in the Olympic Games by 2028. Some greeted my words with laughter. Others rolled their eyes. Many thought I was crazy.2007年,我参与创立了国际攀岩联合会,那时,我曾询问所有愿意听我说话的人,他们是否支持我们的宏愿——争取在2028年让运动攀岩成为奥运会正式比赛项目。对此,有人报以一笑,有人不以为然,很多人觉得我异想天开。As it turns out, my goal was actually short-sighted. Sport climbing became an Olympic sport a full eight years earlier than I had envisaged, making its debut at Tokyo 2020 only 13 years after the creation of the IFSC.然而,事实证明,我的目标还真有些保守。运动攀岩成为奥运会项目比我预想的要早整整八年。国际攀岩联合会成立仅仅13年后,运动攀岩在2020年东京奥运会上首次亮相。This was a truly unique achievement in the comparatively slow-moving world of Olympic sports, and it all started with a dream and some "unrealistic" expectations to see it materialize.一直以来,奥运会比赛项目相对稳定,因此这无疑是破天荒的成就,而这一切都源于一个看似“不切实际”的梦想。What you dare to dream, dare to do.只有敢想,才敢做。As we approach sport climbing's next appearance at the Olympic Games from August 5-10 in Paris, I sometimes wonder how many of the 68 climbers who will compete there have similar mindsets. How many of them told their families, friends and peers when they were just starting out in the sport that they would one day become Olympians? How many of them set "unrealistic" goals and made them happen in spite of the odds? Knowing climbers as well as I do, I suspect the number is quite high.运动攀岩比赛即将在今年8月5日至10日于巴黎奥运会上再次亮相,我不禁在想,那68位即将登场的攀岩选手中,有多少人持有相似的信念:他们中有多少人在刚开始练习攀岩时就向家人、朋友和同伴宣称,自己终将站在奥运的舞台上?又有多少人曾设定了看似“不切实际”的目标,并最终一一实现?以我对攀岩者的了解,我知道,这样的人很多。One interesting curiosity about climbing is that you tend to spend a lot of time looking up, which is a terrific metaphor for life. I am a firm believer that keeping your head up allows you to constantly consider new horizons and new challenges. When one goal gets accomplished, you should always have an even more inspiring task ready to pursue next.攀岩有意思的地方在于:你常常需要抬头向上看,这也恰如其分地反映了人生应有的态度。我始终相信,常抬头,你的视野会更加开阔,能让人不断探索新的挑战和机遇。每当一个目标达成,你应该立刻准备好向下一个更激动人心的目标进发。China's Luo Zhilu competes during the Boulder final event of the Sport Climbing Women's Boulder and Lead competition during the Olympic Qualifier Series 2024 in Budapest, Hungary, June 23, 2024. /CFP When the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced in 2016 that sport climbing was being added at Tokyo 2020, for example, we didn't simply pat ourselves on the back for a job well done and retire. We rolled up our sleeves and set our sights even higher, acutely aware that our work was just beginning – and with far greater responsibilities than before.举个例子,当国际奥委会在2016年宣布将运动攀岩纳入2020年东京奥运会比赛项目时,我们没有沾沾自喜,也没有高枕无忧。相反,我们撸起袖子,将目标定得更高,清楚地意识到我们的任务才刚刚开始,接下来会比以往承担着更重的责任。Becoming an Olympic sport posed a number of new challenges for us as a Federation. The level of complexity, politicization and a host of other factors put us in unknown territory that required more maturity and flexibility in certain areas of our organization.运动攀岩成为奥运项目给我们带来了一系列新挑战。我们不得不面对复杂多变的环境和政治等因素,这些都使我们置身于未知的领域,因此攀岩联合会需要以更成熟和灵活的方式处理某些方面的事务。Here again goal setting was transformative. By aiming high, we managed to transition rapidly from what had largely been a group of friends following their passion into a structured, professional entity. Extensive education and training were required for each stakeholder, and through it all we worked diligently to manifest our vision – to make the world a better place through climbing – and we have insisted on doing so as sustainably as possible.在此过程中,明确的目标设定,帮助我们成功实现转型。我们志存高远,很快从一群追求个人兴趣的“攀友”转变为一个组织严谨、运作专业的团体。我们为每一位利益相关者提供了广泛的培训和教育,并努力将我们的愿景变为现实:攀岩让世界变得更美好。这也是我们长期的坚持。By keeping our core values and aims in mind, our other activities also became more manageable. We have since had great success showcasing sport climbing through different events, developing our sport globally, strengthening membership and governance, increasing brand awareness, and promoting our sport around the world. Last year, we were officially granted full membership in the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF), the umbrella body for the Summer Olympic International Federations, a result that makes sport climbing a core sport for the Olympic Games in Los Angeles 2028 (LA28) and likely onward.在我们坚守核心价值观和目标的同时,我们的各项工作也变得井然有序。自那以后,我们通过各种活动成功地展示了运动攀岩的魅力,推动了这项运动的全球普及,加强了会员管理,改善了治理结构,提升了品牌知名度,并在全球范围内推广我们的运动。去年,我们荣幸地成为了夏奥协(ASOIF)的正式成员,这是一个由众多夏季奥林匹克国际单项体育联合会共同组成的机构,这一成就使运动攀岩有望在2028年洛杉矶奥运会乃至未来成为核心比赛项目。Of course, none of this happened alone. We have been supported along the way by a number of experienced national federations, not the least of which was the Chinese Mountaineering Association (CMA), led by President Li Zhixin. The CMA's exceptional organizational skills, both as hosts of elite climbing events and as sports administrators, have set a good example for other climbing federations around the world to follow, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the CMA team for all they have done to promote sport climbing in China and internationally.当然,单靠我们自己,还不足以取得如此成就。在这个过程中,我们得到了许多经验丰富的国家联合会的支持,尤其是来自李致新主席领导的中国登山协会的支持。中国登山协会在顶级攀岩赛事举办和管理方面展现出卓越的组织能力,为全球的攀岩联合会树立了良好的榜样。我想借此机会感谢中国登山协会团队为在中国及全球各地推广运动攀岩所做的努力。Together, we are now quickly closing in on our next milestone: the Olympic Games Paris 2024. Soon sport climbing will make its second Olympic appearance, and as always, we will continue to make significant advances.现在,我们已迎来下一个重要里程碑:2024年巴黎奥运会。很快,运动攀岩将迎来它在奥运会的第二次亮相,我们将再接再厉,努力取得更大的进步。The total number of medal events for sport climbing will double from two at Tokyo 2020 to four in Paris thanks to two separate events: Speed and a combined Boulder & Lead event. This development has also led to a significant increase in the number of climbers, from 40 in Tokyo to 68 in Paris.运动攀岩的奖牌项目将从2020年东京奥运会的两项增至巴黎奥运会的四项,包括男子、女子各两个奖牌项目:男子/女子速度攀岩、男子/女子全能(攀石+难度)。这一变化也使得参赛的运动员人数从东京奥运会上的40人增加到巴黎奥运会上的68人。Perhaps most exciting of all, especially for our athletes, is that a live audience will be at our venue in Paris this summer, providing us with our first full taste of the Olympic experience following a somewhat restricted debut during the pandemic three years ago.对攀岩健儿们而言,最让他们感到振奋的是,今年夏天比赛场地上将有观众现场观赛。相比三年前疫情期间运动攀岩的低调亮相,接下来的赛事能让选手们首次全方位体验奥运的魅力。After accomplishing so much so quickly for sport climbing, it may come as a surprise to learn that I am still not entirely satisfied. My head remains up, always on the lookout for a new goal (or two) to work towards. For LA28 and beyond, for example, our aim is to have three separate events (Speed, Lead and Boulder) and even more athletes competing. Only then will the world get a true display of just how incredibly talented our athletes are while performing in their specialized events.在如此短的时间里,我们在运动攀岩事业上取得了如此多的成就,你或许会惊讶:我个人仍觉得有提升的空间。我始终抬头向上看,寻找新的目标。例如,对于2028年洛杉矶奥运会及以后的比赛,我们的目标是设立三个独立的比赛项目——速度赛、攀石赛、难度赛,并且让更多的运动员参与进来。只有这样,全世界才能真正看到我们的运动员在各自擅长的项目中所展现的风采。I wish all our Olympic hopefuls the best of luck in fulfilling their dreams. Win or lose, keep aiming high.我祝福所有的奥运健儿,愿他们梦想成真。无论成败,始终志存高远。World up. Keep climbing!志在寰宇,勇攀高峰!